
Unior betwabetway东盟体育y手机登录Unior手工具的项目公司,钻井深度与国际名声。



Unior手betwabetway东盟体育y手机登录工具计划生产超过1000万件的工具和金属板住房betway东盟体育每年。这是富人的继任者铁匠传统Pohorje地区和东北部斯洛文尼亚。在19世纪,一些生产伪造Pohorje领域的出现。他们用于生产农业和手工工具。betway东盟体育他们的工作与这个地区四个铁工厂。锻造工具的第一家工厂成立于20世纪初,在1919年。betway东盟体育工程师Mirko Bremec和沃尔特·马赫建立施第里尔Zreče Iron-Industrial公司公司Unior今天仍有其前提。公司是一个现代化工厂和生产锻造工具农业、矿业和工艺。betway东盟体育锻造厂变成了机械锻造。锻造是翻新后第二次世界大战。 In 1947, after the restoration and completion of the building, the forge was renamed into the Factory of Forged Tools Zreče. In the second half of the 20th century, the factory developed mostly by investing into the production of hand tools. Mostly oriented towards the development of universal tools, the factory was renamed in 1974; it became known as Unior, the Factory of Forged Tools Zreče. During the next decades, Unior has established a widespread network of sale and distribution worldwide. More information about Unior business group can be found here:www.unior.com
